Random Access This stuff is totally unsupported. These are various excerpts from posts, text files, other magazines, etc. that I have found in my travels. I have tried to at least give the author credit, but the magazine or text file it originally appeared in is not always easy to find out. (These are unedited for the most part so my apologies for lack of spellng, grammar, etc)   Hacking Answering Machines and VMB's So, your boss has fired you and you want some revenge. Or, you are just bored and want to cause some anarchy. Either way, this text is for you! Materials: A phone This is very easy. Find out when your victim is not at home or out of town. Then call him up... ring ring ring... then you will hear one of the two messages: 1) Hi, you have reached I, your victim (or something like that) 2) In a computerized voice: you have reached "victims ", please leave a message at the tone. now while you are listening to the message, dial this very quickly: 0001020304050607080910 then, if the person has remote accesss to his/her answering machine, you are in! now, if you got into a voice mailbox or a digital answering machine, it will give you a list of choices. If you got into a normal answering machine, then you will have to find out the commands for yourself. If you just stay on the line, you will get to listen to the messages. - Dark Merlin   Smoke bombs I'm writing this first because it seems to be the most often asked question. The following recipes are for the color indicated. Most of these bombs you can make by mixing the ingredients well and wrapping them up like a joint. A total bomb weight of about 5 ounces is usually enough to completely engulf the average size classroom... White 1) Potassium chlorate 44 (44 parts per 100) Sulfur flour 15 Zinc dust 40 Sodium bicarbonate 1 or a much simpiler version: 2) Potassium nitrate 50 Sugar 50 Black 1) Magnesium powder 19 Hexachloroethane 60 Naphthalene 21 Red 1) Potassium chlorate 20 Lactose 20 Paranitraniline red 60 2) Potassium chlorate 26 Diethyaminorosindone 48 Powdered sugar 26 If you don't know what half of this shit is that's ok...most are just things you can pick up at the local pharmacy. - Cross Chain